How to configure a Ring Group's options
You can access a Ring Group’s settings by following these instructions:
- Log into as an administrator and navigate to the Settings tab.
- Locate the Ring Group that you wish to manage and click the corresponding line.
Once you have gained access to the Ring Group’s settings window, you can update the following options on each tab:
- Change the Ring Group’s name.
- Toggle the Ring Group’s ringing mode between Simultaneous Ring and Sequential Ring:
- Simultaneous Ring rings all phones in the Ring Group at the same time until someone answers.
- Sequential Ring rings the phones of users will ring one at a time in the order you choose until the call is answered.
- Add, remove, and reorder the group’s members.
- Update how long the Ring Group will ring before the call either moves on to the next extension in the Ring Group (Sequential Ring) or rolls to the backup user or voicemail box.
- Determine whether unanswered calls are transferred to a user extension or a voicemail box.
- Choose the user whose extension or voicemail box will receive unanswered calls from the Ring Group.
- Update the Ring Group’s internal extension number.
- View the Ring Group’s direct dial number.